2020 Auckland Touch Trials Update
If you’re keen to represent Auckland Touch this season, then head on over to our website and register now!
Trial dates have been set as well and will be posted up shortly. So watch this space!
With the growing uncertainty surrounding the current COVID-19 situation here in Tamaki Makaurau, the province’s original plans for trials were affected. We understand that this a bit of a tight timeframe, however considering the ongoing circumstances our aim is to create a safe trial procedure so that our players, coaches, managers, and referees.
With COVID-19 in mind, please note that trial dates and times are subject to change depending on Government announcements.
Inline with the new Sports New Zealand and Touch New Zealand policies around sports participation, ATA have adapted to a new trial system for the Under 10’s, Under 12’s and Under14’s grades. This season, all junior players will receive a Provincial Passport which will be used in the new junior trial procedure. More information around this will be posted soon.
Finally, we give special thanks to Maggie Mita and Savanna Walker. They have been working hard behind the scenes to create the new website, junior passport programme and the new registration and administration system. Hopefully, this will be more convenient to parents/caregivers and players and add to an enjoyable season of Touch.