1 Sep

It's almost that time of year again with the Touch Season almost upon us, but it also brings uncertainty. However, whatever the case may be in a month, its business as usual which brings us to the subject of "Touch Referees Advanced Program" or "T.R.A.P" bootcamps. As requested by so many last season, by those who couldnt attend and those wishing to revise.

Due to the current environment, I will ONLY be running 2 courses this 2020 - 2021 season.

The first will be in the North Island, held in Rotorua, Saturday 26th - Sunday 27th of September 2020. This may seem short notice but due to the covid crisis in Auckland and level restrictions around the country, it's only now we are able to travel freely and our busy provincial, regional and National calendars wont allow any free weekend space in the months of October or November to run these bootcamps.

The second camp will be in the South Island in Christchurch, probably early in the New Year but more info will follow in due course. A heads up, the courses will not go ahead if the number of participants fall below 12. At this stage there is no limit to the number of participants who wish to attend as long as they fall under the following guideline.

            □          MUST  be Level 2 and above qualifications (badged).
                         I will only accept a level 1 if he/she has attended the TNZ Level 2 Practical Referee Course and passed the exam and is within the upgrade time frame.

             □          MUST be available for both Saturday and Sunday. Turning up for one day will not be accepted. There are no short cuts to an upgrade/final/selection.


             □          A certain level of fitness will be required as you will be tested physically on a number of levels.


            □           Be committed and have a positive approach to all activities.

There will be EOI form to follow shortly which will have more information regards program and other important details as well as a possibility of a small cost for the weekend but will confirm shortly. Any further questions or queries you can contact either myself, Alisha Ruaiti or Andrew Timoti directly. At this stage, you will need to seek own accommodation unless it can be organized for all to stay together. There will be a number of other presenters to help share their knowledge and wisdom throughout the weekend.

Please note, this course is not compulsory to attend. And simply attending, does not guarantee you will recieve your upgrade or final or international selection. This course is designed to equip you with enough mental and practical knowledge, to go out and help yourselves towards your goals. It will test you mentally and physically and hopefully you learn a little more about yourselves, your limitations and how to push through those barriers that may have hindered you from achieving those goals.

I look forward to seeing you there and remember, come ready physically, an open mind, a great attitude, and a sense humor. It will be fun, Guaranteed!!!



Adrian Ruaiti 

Interested in joining the Auckland Touch family?